It's been a pretty quiet weekend for us, with Daddy off playing soldier, but a nice treat after a busy week. My main goal has been trying to get clothes ready for our trip to England, since it will be about a 20 degree drop in temperature. I've been looking for cool weather clothes that both boys will fit into.
Jack was playing last night while I was with Ethan and he sat down next to Stanley and told him, "Stanley, you go hide and then I'll come find you, OK?" He just couldn't figure out why Stanley wouldn't go hide. It's so cute to watch him interact with the dogs. He REALLY wants Stanley to play with him more. Hopefully one day, Stanley will!
We're gearing up for a fairly quiet week. We had the remnants of Hurricane Faye drop over us last night (downgraded to a Tropical Storm now). We should be getting much needed rain all week long, which will keep us at home more this week.
Hopefully our playset will delivered this week too!