It's been another busy weekend and I'm wondering if it will ever slow down? Probably not! Oh well, at least it's full of fun stuff.
Yesterday we had a birthday party for one of Jack and Ethan's friends. It was held at a place called The Little Gym and had lots of fun stuff for Jack to play on (set up like a little gymnasium). He was most upset when he had to stop to have cake. He was crying saying, "I don't want cake, I just want to play." Unfortunately, they had closed down the gym while the kids ate the cake (which Jack didn't since he still doesn't like cake). But then they all ate so fast they gave the kids 10 more minutes in the gym. But that only made it worse, in my opinion, as 10 minutes isn't enough. It only got him excited and wanting to do more. So it was big water works when we had to leave.
But it was followed up with another get together next door at Maddy's house. Jason gathered everyone together for a BBQ in honor of my birthday on Tuesday and the Weakland's next door offered to host. It was nice gathering and we didn't leave until 11:30p, so I'm exhausted!
We're going to attempt to take Jack to his first movie today. We'll see how that goes!
Bye for now!