Wow, I'm still coming down off my high from the VP announcement yesterday. I don't want to turn this into a political debate, but I'm so excited about the prospect of a possible female VP who happens to have a baby with Down syndrome! Just knowing that she could bring some much needed change to Washington, making like a little bit easier for Ethan and so many others like him makes me so happy! Plus, anyone who is willing to challenge their own party for what they believe is right is OK by me. Anyway you look at it, this year's election is historic. I can't wait for the debates!! We had a lovely visit on Thursday with my cousin (3 or 4 times removed - I can never get it straight!) and her new son, Alex, who is 11 months. He is so sweet and the boys loved playing together. They used to live here in Atlanta but moved to Boston just before we moved down (and are now moving to California). Luckily, she comes down often to visit all her friends so we have gotten q...