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Kennedy Space Center

What a busy day! Jack and Ethan had a great time, in fact, we had to drag Jack outta there almost in tears. The first thing we saw, walking through the doors was a "real life astronaut!" Unfortunately, you can't see Ethan very well due to the shadow. But Jack was so excited.

We walked around the corner into this space shuttle and Jack almost jumped out of his skin because he didn't see this astronaut. He'll tell you he jumped because he was so excited!

They have a new exhibit where you can simulate the feeling of being an astronaut blasting off into space. Unfortunately, Jack was too short and I'm too pregnant, so nobody got to experience it. But I can't wait to come back one day and try it out.

They took us out to a viewing platform where we could see the shuttle on the launch pad. It's scheduled to be launched on Monday afternoon - we are so excited at the prospect of seeing another shuttle launch!

We also got to see the machine that drives the shuttle out to the launch pad. It takes 8 hours, traveling 1 mile an hour, to get it out there.

When we walked into this exhibit and Jack saw the space craft hanging from the ceiling he got so excited! He told me several times that "this is the most exciting part of the day." There was so much to look at but he loved every minute of it.

This is Jack pointing out where each piece of the space craft was "coupled together." And below is what he was pointing at.

We also got to see the International Space Station exhibit where you can see what is up in space, and then walk across the bridge and see where the engineers actually make the real stuff!

After a couple of hours touring all the exhibits, we headed back and checked out the kids play area. The boys had the best time getting their wiggles out - especially Ethan, who had basically been in the stroller all day. He found the stairs to climb up to the slide area.

Then we walked through the Rocket Garden. This is Jack drinking "astronaut water," which he claims tastes different from regular water.

Before Jack got into any type of shuttle or pod he would ask, very seriously, "is this going to blast off?" He was quite concerned, it was so cute.

Here he is walking across the bridge into the commanding module.

But finally we had to leave. He Ethan, free again of the stroller, crawled all the way across the room so he could sit in front of this big screen to watch the video playing.

Nana thought this might have been a bit too advanced for Jack but I would say it was a VERY successful trip!


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