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Snow Vacation Round 2

 How crazy is it that we've missed 8 school days due to snow since January down here in the South?  And to make matters worse, following our second missed week of school we are currently enjoying our mid-winter (waste of a summer vacation week) break.  So by the end of this week our kids will have enjoyed a two week break from school IN FEBRUARY!  Last week we had snow and ice (and ended the week with an earthquake) and this week we are enjoying sunny weather with temps in the upper 60s and low 70s.
 And then just to annoy us further, the forecast is calling for another snow storm at the end of next week when our kids are back in school.  This mom is NOT amused and will NOT be sending my kids to school into the summer to make up these days. We only get 8 weeks to start - I'm NOT losing two weeks because our school system wants to give out mid-fall and winter wasted breaks throughout the year.  OK, rant over!!
 So last Tuesday and Wednesday we enjoyed our ice storm and the kids tried desperately to play in it - but ice is no fun really.

 Jason got out to play with Wyatt for a few minutes between work phone calls.
 They even had an ice-ball fight.

 This is ALL ice.

 But then it snowed Wednesday night - all night - and we woke up to the fun snow (on top of the layer of ice).
 It was so pretty.

 Jason had to check on the bees - this is a crazy winter so we're hoping they survive alright.
It warmed up by the end of the day so most of it melted by Thursday afternoon, but not before Jason got some sledding and snowman making in with the boys!


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