When I was younger and dreamed about having a family, I always imagined all the fun things I would do with my kids and the exciting adventures we would go on, especially during the summer months. I always loved summer vacation as a child and my mom always had fun things for us to do and experience. And it started out that way for us when it was just Jack at first and then when Ethan was a baby. We had all kinds of great outings to amusement parks, the zoo, berry picking, playdates and cookouts with friends, etc. But then Ethan got a little bit older. The up's were he was finally walking! Finally feeding himself!! Finally communicating!!! The down's were he would only walk when he wanted to and often times would just stop half way to where we were going and not budge. Or he would throw a fit at a restaurant and not eat anything, or throw things off the table. Mostly it's not listening and following my direction. ...