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Showing posts from February, 2014

My Funny Valentine's

 I hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day!  We don't celebrate it except with the boys (and by decorating). But this year was a bit odd since it was a Friday and the boys were home but Jason was gone all day for work, so I waited until he came home to give the boys their treats.  However, Wyatt fell asleep and then, due to the cancellation of lacrosse practice, we sent Jack to TKD practice instead - which was from 6:30-7:30p. Wyatt woke up grumpy, as he always does when he naps to late in the day, so it was more fussing then being happy.  But we'll look back and laugh, I'm sure!  The boys also got cards from their grandparents, which took us until Sunday to open due to the craziness of this house!!  Jack got his goodies.  Then Wyatt got his once he calmed down. And Ethan snuggled with his monkey! My funny little Valentine's fill my heart.

Snow Vacation Round 2

 How crazy is it that we've missed 8 school days due to snow since January down here in the South?  And to make matters worse, following our second missed week of school we are currently enjoying our mid-winter (waste of a summer vacation week) break.  So by the end of this week our kids will have enjoyed a two week break from school IN FEBRUARY!  Last week we had snow and ice (and ended the week with an earthquake) and this week we are enjoying sunny weather with temps in the upper 60s and low 70s.  And then just to annoy us further, the forecast is calling for another snow storm at the end of next week when our kids are back in school.  This mom is NOT amused and will NOT be sending my kids to school into the summer to make up these days. We only get 8 weeks to start - I'm NOT losing two weeks because our school system wants to give out mid-fall and winter wasted breaks throughout the year.  OK, rant over!!  So last Tuesday and Wednes...

The Look of Love

 I LOVE decorating for each holiday and season. I'm not sure if my family likes it as much as I do - but one can hope! I also love the look of sparkly candy in a glass bowl - so pretty! Sunday was spent making those pretzel sticks. First, I dipped them in caramel and then after drying, I dipped them into chocolate and then added sprinkles.  The plan in my head didn't turn out so well as the caramel stuck to the wax paper and I had to work really hard to get them off without the paper sticking to them.  Even after I dipped them in chocolate the caramel still stuck to everything.  Needless to say, I lost a few.  But they are delicious!  I had hoped to send some into school this week for our Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week and/or Valentine's Day on Friday, but we're currently homo on snow days and I don't think we'll be back until after our Mid-Winter Break next week. Sigh.  Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?  I've become a big fan o...

Snow Vacation Round 1

 As you may know, Georgia got hit by a "surprise" snow storm the last week of January.  I say surprise because no one prepared for it, even though we were told it was coming.  I guess no one was really prepared for it to be as bad as it was.  Kids went off to school only to be released a few hours later, however, it was a few hours too late.  The roads iced up fast and people got stuck everywhere!  Jason made the normal 45 minute drive to the airport in a record 7+ hours and the boys had to be rescued from school by a neighbor since the buses were all stuck trying to get the middle and high school kids home first.  But eventually everyone got where they needed to be and then the fun ensued.  A look up our street on day #2.  You will not see any photos of Ethan playing outside in the snow as he takes too much after me.  We'd both rather stay inside by the fire where it's warm!  The other two could ...