Just a few photos from the past couple days of the boys. I was able to catch Wyatt and Ethan playing together. Wyatt LOVES this ride on toy and the other day Ethan decided to push and pull him around the house on it. Of course, Wyatt found this highly amusing and was laughing hysterically. I love seeing them playing together instead of taking toys away from each other. Jack received this crazy Dr. Seuss hat as part of his rewards for the Fun Run pledges and we all had a lot of fun wearing it around the house. I really liked wearing it but every time I put it on, Wyatt would pull it off. One of Wyatt's new things is to put things over his head (hats, towels, etc.) and walk around the house, trying not to run into anything. We couldn't keep him from pulling it down over his eyes. Daddy being silly - I love this picture! Ethan's turn. How sweet is that face! He's talking s...