I have soooo many photos and things to share but have had a hard time getting back into the blogging thing. Jason left Tuesday afternoon and we miss him terribly. Luckily, we've been so busy with activities and hanging out at the pool. This should help make the time go by faster! At least until fall -- but then Jack will be in preschool and that will help. The first weekend Jason was home we had a BBQ. We invited a ton of people, but luckily, it ended up being only a few. It always seems like a good idea to invite everyone but you have more fun when it's more intimate. Anyway, these are the photos from the BBQ. These show our friends that live in the front of the neighborhood. Dan and Jason were in the same Army unit until just recently, but he, too is on active duty and currently only home on the weekends until he get's deployed next year. So Kellie and her girls are in the same boat as me and the boys and we are getting together weekly for dinner (plus hanging o...