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Showing posts from July, 2018

Ending the School Year

 The last month of school is always so busy with school events and summer sports heating up. We started the month of May with Wyatt's field trip to the Indian Mounds.  While the boys had visited with Nana and Auntie Jake, I've never bee, so I really enjoyed it.  Wyatt and all his friends all had a good time too.  Wyatt remembered this "map" from his first visit and couldn't wait to see it again. I had to drag him away from it.  Then we got to celebrate Ethan earning a character trait award for Punctuality. This one makes me laugh as I think it should be me as mom who earns this award, as I would be the only reason his on time to anything. But all he cared about was hanging out with the Eagle.  Then Ethan had the track and field Special Olympics. While he much prefers the bowling in the winter, he seemed to enjoy himself.  Jack was on the Junior Swarm box lacrosse team this past winter and so with the e...