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Showing posts from January, 2018

Christmas Day

 The annual photos of the boys coming downstairs and seeing Christmas for the first time. First up ... Wyatt.  Then Jack...  And last but not least, Ethan.  Presents from Santa.  Then into the stockings.  And finally the presents.  The last gift was a present for all the boys.  A computer!  The rest of the day was all about playing with all the toys! A very Merry Christmas, indeed!

Christmas Eve

 We switched things up a bit this year and reverted to a Christmas Eve tradition from my youth ... Christmas Eve Mexican dinner! I think we all enjoyed it.  Then on the way home we stopped to look at some Christmas lights.  This one was so extravagant that you could walk through the lights and listen to music along the way. So fun!  Then we got home, watched Christmas Vacation and then got ready for bed. That included Wyatt sprinkling his reindeer food on the front lawn.  Then getting cookies ready for Santa.  Saying good-bye to our Elf who was heading back to the North Pole until next Christmas.  And putting out the cookies.  Once the boys were all snuggled in bed, fast asleep, Santa filled the stockings and left a gift for the boys. Sweet dreams.

Countdown to Christmas

 Wyatt saw this Santa hat at the grocery store and begged for it. This is how much he loved it!  Jack had a busy December with his box lacrosse tournaments. I was admiring his medal and he told me I could wear it if I wanted, so I did. Ha ha!  The countdown to Christmas always involves Christmas parties at the kids school. Ethan's class party was more just the parents watching how they start their day and go through their morning routine (which I absolutely preferred over a party) and Wyatt's party included a waffle bar and several stations to create different crafts. Since I was helping to run the waffle bar I didn't have a chance to get a lot of photos but Wyatt sure had a good time.  With Jack being in middle school there are no more class parties for him. Instead we got to enjoy the holiday band concert. Here are how Ethan and Wyatt enjoyed it! In the back of the cafeteria, watching their technology!  You can't see him but they sur...

Trimming the Tree

 The snowstorm set us all back several days in getting things done. We had planned on getting the tree over the weekend but didn't venture too far from home once the snow came. But we got it one night in the middle of the week and spent an evening decorating.  I love that the boys still want to help.  This actually turned out to be one of the best photos of the boys I've gotten yet!  I can always count on Jack to make a silly pose...  And Wyatt to eventually stop smiling because I'm taking too many photos.  I love my new tree skirt! The final product.