Just a few photos from around the house as we wrapped up our last couple weeks of summer vacation. Just being silly! My big project was clearing out the old veggie plot and putting in flowers instead. I'm much happier - plus I love the addition of the planter chairs my friend made for me. Jack had his first sleepaway camp in July - four days at lacrosse camp at Berry College; about an hour NW of us. His first taste of dorm life - and he LOVED it! His brothers had fun too! His North Paulding lacrosse teammates. Ethan has really taken to his chore of unloading the bottom half of the dishwasher (Wyatt does the top). Guess it's time to find more for him to do around the house. Wyatt and his collection of whales. I love that he still loves his animal friends. Of course plenty of time was spent at the pool! Jason set up a booth at our neighborhood festival to sell ...