Say it ain't so...just over a week is left of our summer vacation. I'm not ready to send them back, and I know they're not ready, but at least I know we've had a great break. I have about 300 pictures from our trip to Seattle to weed through and post and blog but I think I'm going to have to wait until the boys go back to school to find the time. In the meantime, here are just a few random pictures. Above is Wyatt following in Jack's footsteps. I can't believe that Jack is only two belts away from being a Black Belt in tae-kwan-do! So proud of him!! One of my summer projects was to teach Wyatt his alphabet and help Ethan with his sight words. I thought these magnetic letters would help. They've all enjoyed playing with them but I don't know if any of my goals were accomplished. Every time I comb Wyatt's hair after a bath I say, "oh how handsome," so now he asks me to make him look handsome. It's the ...