Our schedule just got a bit more hectic!! First, Wyatt starts preschool tomorrow am. Sniff, sniff. And my non-aggressive oldest son just started lacrosse practice this past Saturday. With 2 hour practices every Wednesday and Friday afternoons and a game on Saturday's life just got crazy. Then add Monday's and Thursday's for Ethan's therapy. Oh, and did I mention we will also have to fit in one tae-kwan-do practice a week for newly minted Brown-Belt Jack, as well as Cub Scouts every other Monday night? Yeah, I've become the mom with over-scheduled kids, which I always swore I wouldn't do. But Jack begged to play lacrosse so I'm giving him a chance. And he'd better like it because it's a VERY expensive sport! Ha ha. And Wyatt better play in a few years too. Jack got excited to start practicing on his own so he got into his gear and took Wyatt outside to start tossing the ball around. ...