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Showing posts from March, 2011

The Boys Around the House

Ethan and Wyatt are either the best of friends or are fighting. Usually, Ethan is hitting or pushing Wyatt. Luckily, Wyatt doesn't remember for long and is always back to see what fun his big brother is up to. Their favorite thing is to open the kitchen cabinets and pull everything out. I love these photos of Ethan loving on Wyatt and then the two of them looking at me like cats that ate the canary! Lately, when I tell Wyatt no, Ethan repeats and tells him no while pulling his hands away from whatever it is he's doing. Here is Wyatt's next favorite place - the dog bed. What is it with all the boys, they have all thought that dog beds were perfect places for them. Here is a rare photo of Amber actually letting Wyatt lay on her. Normally he gets close and she barks at him. But these boys do love their dogs. I just love when Wyatt smiles with his hands up by his face - he looks almost diabolical; like he has something up his sleeve. Good daddy/son time! Ethan waiting ...

St. Patrick's Day

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've been on here! The life of a busy mom, I guess. Well, that and the fact that we've all been sick for the past two weeks. It started with me, and then Wyatt got a really bad ear infection, then developed an allergic reaction to the medicine he was on, and then Ethan, who had just finished a round of antibiotics got sick again! They say Atlanta has been hard hit by the bugs and viruses going around and boy, they weren't kidding! Anyway, here are a few photos from St. Patrick's Day. I'm know I'm beating a dead horse with my talk of my Gramercy Stand, but I just love it and again use it for EVERYTHING! This is where the leprechaun left little pots of gold for each of the boys. Jack was so excited to find them and check to see what was inside! Then the boys each opened their cards from Nana and Granddad. Both Jack and Wyatt had fun but Ethan really didn't want anything to do with it - not feeling wel...

Ethan's First Day on the Bus

Last week was Ethan's first week on the bus and he LOVED it! In fact, every day he likes it more and more. Now, when he sees the bus coming down the street he starts walking out to the street - long before it gets to us - and I have to hold him back! The picture of the flowers is just because it makes me so happy to look at. I scored a great deal at the store (they were on sale for $3 a bunch) and they are my favorite flower, so I couldn't resist! Here is Ethan waiting for the bus the first day. I wanted to get Ethan climbing up the steps but he was too fast for me. So I just got a couple of him on the top of the steps. But he really has mastered climbing up them. Here is Ethan all buckled up. The bus driver tells me everyday that he gets buckled up and then starts waving out the window. It's so cute to see him in the bus window. I can't believe how big he has gotten. When the bus started leaving, Wyatt started waving to it, but again I was too slow to catch it ...

My Little Storm Troopers!

I haven't been feeling well these past two weeks (cough and congestion) so I've got a back load of photos to post. Hopefully I'll get better about posting regularly, but I can't seem to find much free time during the day and then once the boys are in bed, I'm exhausted and usually find myself vegging on the couch. One afternoon I managed to escape and leave the boys behind so Jason got some good photos of them playing. Here Jack and Ethan are being Storm Troopers and I just love how much Ethan got into it. Wyatt is just taking it all in! He's actually starting to take some steps. He can take about five now but instead of focusing on getting good at it and taking more, he's decided to focus on taking those five steps really fast and now while carrying something. He's so funny! I can't believe Wyatt is only two months away from being a year old! Where did the time go??? I'm holding him close to me because I know how fast they grow up.....