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Showing posts from March, 2009

Trip to the Zoo

We'll see how many people are still reading this blog -- I've got some great news to share. We found a new, bigger house and will be moving next month. It was very sudden but it is the perfect house for us and it was to good of a deal to pass up. Here's a link to view some photos: Wednesday I took the boys to the zoo with our playgroup friends. It was Ethan's first trip and I'm not quite sure how much he enjoyed it. He's still so little that he can't quite see the animals. It was a beautiful day to be out and about at the zoo. And for Jack, no trip there would be complete without a ride on the train. This next week will be crazy as I pack us up for our trip out to Seattle for my brother's wedding and start packing the house up for our move once we return. See you all soon!

Let's Play Ball

The weekend kicked off with the start of baseball season! And to celebrate, Jack danced around the house in his undies -- just take those old records off the shelf -- a la Risky Business! Ethan has been doing really great too. He's pushing himself to a sitting position by himself now - all the time! I put him in his crib and the next thing I know he's sitting up. It's great that he can now crawl around and push himself up when he wants. Before you know it he'll be chasing after Jack! Saturday morning was a very early (and long) morning. We had to be at the ball field by 8:15a for the opening festivities. It was mostly standing around waiting until each team got to parade around the field and have their name called out. Jack was cold and tired to start so it was a bit long, but he warmed up eventually. A view of all the teams gathering. Most of Jack's team -- Go Bulldogs! We were done with the opening ceremony by 9am so we had to kill some time (I worked the ...

Cold, Snnowy Southern Day

After a warm and rainy Friday and Saturday, Sunday hit us with a bang -- about 2 inches of snow! It didn't stick around too long, but long enough for Jack to have fun playing in it. It was a bit too cold for Mommy and Ethan so it was a good thing that Jason was home for the weekend. Ethan and Stanley are good friends and we were finally able to get a couple of photos of them together. I couldn't quite get the camera fast enough to catch Ethan giving Stanley loves but I got a couple good photos! One of Jack's favorite things to do is walk around in mine or Jason's shoes. Today he got into my combat boots along with a hat and scarf. Then he clomped all around and fell (on purpose) everywhere. He's a crack up! My two little unabomers!! Our neighbors gave the boys these Bass Pro Shop hoodies for Christmas and I had them both wearing them today so I had to get a picture of them. Jack loves the store (he likes to get on all the boats) but it's on the other side...