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Showing posts from January, 2009

Ethan's Birthday

It's hard to believe, but on Sunday we celebrated Ethan's 1st birthday! We had a small, but long-distance, party for him. Grannie Annie flew into town for the occasion and Kim, Maddy and Oskar came over from next door. Then we had Nana and Granddad (celebrating his 66th birthday with Ethan) and Grandma Christy and Uncle Spencer on the video conference. Wishing Granddad a Happy Birthday! This is the next best thing to having them here with us. Singing Happy Birthday to Ethan (and Granddad). Jack was a great help for Ethan -- blowing out his candles and helping him unwrap his presents. The year started out rough, but has been one of our best years yet! Jack is really into Sid the Science Kid on PBS (from Jim Henson Productions) and has been asking for a magnifying glass so he can do some science projects. I found one for him the other day and he has spent hours looking at everything through it!

More Snow in Georgia

I've been told off for not updating this blog often enough (can you tell Daddy misses us?), so I'll try and be better!! We had more snow Monday night, which was pretty cool. Unfortunately, it was right as the boys were going to bed so they couldn't play in it. We went to pick up some party supplies for Ethan's party and Jack found these fire engine cups. He picked up two and wouldn't put them down the whole time we were there - he told me they"were sweet!" Finally I told him if he wanted them he would have to buy them himself. He agreed so we got them. Once we got in the car he turned to Ethan and told him he bought a cup for each of them. I was so proud! As you can see, Ethan LOVES his cup! Granny Annie came into town Wednesday night for Ethan's birthday and of course she brought surprises for the boys. Jack got a musical set and Ethan got some jungle stuffed animals. Jack was so happy that Granny was here that he refused to come downstairs thi...

Snow in Georgia!

Well, I'm not doing too well at posting on a regular basis, unless you think once a week is ok. There just hasn't been too much going on this week. I've been trying to keep things pretty low-key and not do too much. And with Jason coming home early on Thursday for a 4 day weekend, the week went pretty fast. Oh, I did get Jack signed up for T-ball, which should start in a few weeks! Maddy (from next door) has been a big help to me, coming over a few times a week to play with the boys. It gives me time to get things done without the boys underfoot. This is a picture of Jack making his first-ever crescent rolls for dinner. He loved it! It was actually colder here on Friday than it was in Alaska! And we had about 20 minutes of snow on Saturday. The kids had a blast playing outside in it, even though it didn't stick. Saturday night we had Kim, Maddy and Oskar over for dinner. Steve (husband/dad) is a Customs Agent and is working up in DC for the next 3 months, so Ki...

First Week Down ... Many More To Go

What a week! It was surprisingly easy to get back into a routine with these boys with Daddy around. I'm trying not to keep us too busy so that we have time to just hang out at home and play. But between the sports, playgroups and Ethan's therapies, there doesn't seem to be that much free time!! Jack has become fascinated with helping me in the kitchen. I can't believe Ethan is almost a year old! How time flies. He's been doing great with his therapies and is progressing wonderfully. I often think how much we take for granted with a typical child and how much work it is with Ethan, but it is so worth it to see how well he does and how HAPPY he is. Can we go back to England today??? Ethan has become quite the camera hog. As soon as he sees it on and pointed at him, a big smile spreads across his face. It's hilarious! These boys LOVE playing together and every morning Jack tells me that he'll watch Ethan while I finish getting ready. And I can get LOTS...