We made it home tonight after a long drive home....with a stop in Macon, GA to visit the BassPro Shop!! It gave us a couple hours to feed Ethan and let Jack get his wiggles out. We bought the boys stuffed fish and Jack was so excited to get it that he put it in pj's and took him to bed tonight (after naming his Fishy Swim). As you can see there are no photo's posted. This is due to a camera accident at the beach. We managed to drop the camera and must have gotten sand in there somewhere. We could take pictures at first, but then only Jason could get it to work. I went to download the past several days worth of photos only to find a formatting error notice flashing on the camera screen. I already missed a ton of good pictures of Jason on the beach with the boys and now if I can't even download the ones I have on my camera I'm going to be very upset. Jason said he'd take a look tomorrow and hopefully I can get to them. Then we're heading out to buy a new ...