How can the little boy that made me a mom be turning 12 this year??? The last one before the teenage years kick in. He makes me so proud of the young man he is becoming. We had a lot of little celebrations for him, since his birthday fell around some lacrosse games and close to our school's fall break. But he was very happy to get this Hobbit book with gorgeous illustrations from Nana and Granddad. Then it was off to a Mexican dinner with a birthday surprise after a game! Ethan loves to play with Mr. Jason and those two have a very special bond. Then a little karaoke fun from Dad. The kids all sat and watched in awe but Kimberly really got into it. Then present time from Mom and Dad. What is it??? A cool hand board. Then we hosted his lacrosse buddies and all their families for a BBQ dinner - and sleepover for the boys. I am so thankful that Jack has found such...