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Showing posts from February, 2016

Valentine's Day Treasure Hunt

 We started the week before Valentine's Day with the second round of a tummy bug that hit all five of us (although not at the same time), so the boys enjoyed opening up a box of goodies from Granddad and Nana.  Two Seattle Seahwak football player plush toys...  And the Seahawk mascot hand puppet!  They were a big hit and Jack and Wyatt decided to use their Nerf guns to hit down the football players. Creative uses!!  Speaking of creative, I changed things up a bit the Valentine's Day and instead of just having their goodies sitting there waiting for the boys when they woke up, I got a scavenger hunt and set it up for them.  This was waiting for them at the end...  Jack was trying to act too cool for the activity...  But Wyatt and Ethan LOVED running around the house finding the clues.  And it was good practice for both the little ones to practice their reading.  Th...

Snow Down South

It wasn't much ... but it was enough to have a bit of fun in. The sled made it's big debut and was the fastest of all the sleds in the dul-de-sac. Score one for Mom!! They had a blast!!

Ethan Turns 8

It's so hard to believe how these kids of ours keep growing up! Ethan turned eight at the end of January, and as is customary, it took us several days to celebrate. We had cake on his actual birthday but it took a few days before he was ready to open his presents. Oooh look, cake! Happy birthday to you... Make a wish and blow out your candles Ethan. Now let's dig in! Yummy! We finally got Ethan to open his gifts after several attempts. It was driving Wyatt crazy to see wrapped presents on the counter and not be able to see what's inside. But with the help of his brothers, Ethan finally gave in and opened them. First up, a musical driving car. Then on to the next. What is it? A Minion's bowling set. Wyatt was so anxious to play!! Happy Birthday Ethan!