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Showing posts from February, 2012

My Funniest Valentine's

 I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day, at least not for myself.  I think it's a silly Hallmark holiday meant to make single people feel sad being alone and make couples feel like they have to outdo their contemporaries in order to live up to the day.  But having kids changes all the holidays and makes it fun!  So it didn't bother me that Jason was out of town on Valentine's Day (I love getting flowers from him for no reason rather then because the calender says he should) because I had three funny Valentine's to celebrate with.  And, of course, Nana and Granddad could always be counted on to share in our celebration!  The boys loved opening their cards from Nana and Granddad.    And getting their hugs and kisses from inside.  Stanly is so patient with Wyatt, letting him run his car all over him!  After the cards the boys got to get their treats from Mommy and Daddy...  Cars for the...

For The Love of a Son

 Every time I turn around my kids get a little bit bigger!  I cannot believe that Ethan turned 4 last week and I really can't believe how much Ethan has changed in the past year.  I look back to those first few days in the hospital when we were given Ethan's diagnosis of Down syndrome and the hard time of coming to terms with our new reality of what life had in store for us. We shared tears, and horrible negative thoughts and all the wrong things while defending to the core our innocent, sweet baby who was hooked up to tubes and wires in the NICU against doctors who questioned why we "didn't do something about this?"  Well, if you mean by "this" my amazing child who is walking, talking, going to school, playing with his brothers and doing all the things that every other four year old is doing then I did do something about it, I brought him into this world to be a productive member of society who doesn't question people who make negative co...