I love how Ethan came to the table already trying to blow out his birthday candles. How is this boy ten years old already? He kept his eye on that cake and those candles the whole time we were singing to him. Make a wish and blow out your candles. You've come so far in these past ten years, I can't wait to see where the next 10, 20 and 30 take you! Unlike his brothers, this one could care less about gifts, and often times can't be bothered by them. So we have to be strategic and give them to him over time. This was his first one. A Minion's playset. He loved it for about 20 minutes. LOL This kid had a fantastic month. First his birthday, then he won an award for his artwork. Then he got first place for his group in the Special Olympics Bowling. He LOVES to bowl. I really need to find him a league to play in. Then we wrapped up the month with another couple of gifts. ...